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Project Justice 4 Peace (J4P)

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The Old Testament predicted the most difficult human behavior to be:

“Love Thy Neighbor as you Love Thyself.”

An illusion? Or a vision?  

Time for Peace


Under The Gun by David Ohayon  

What’s the word mockingbird
What was heard
That struck fear in my ear
What was it
That made me have this fit
It was when that fire was lit
That night, what fright
That it brought such distraught
When a bomb blew
Who knew that it was going on again
More people lost that friend
It was the beast from the Middle East
That started again that feast
That brought Death
And peoples last breath
It brought on blood, like a flood
What can be done
To save every son
We don’t need them dying
While all these moms are crying
I can’t comprehend
How they continue to offend
When will it all end
We must bend that corner of peace
Life must get out of that crease
If we continue to hate
We will not be able to create
Or levitate, to that
Spot, for which we had fought
And where they had sought
That peace of life.

Copyright ©2008 David Ohayon

“Amen” by Meital Ginzberg

“As a fan of AI, I asked it to write this poem about a peaceful Middle East—where Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Druze live in harmony as children of Abraham” (Meital, Ginzberg). 

A land where borders fade like dust,
No walls of fear, no shattered trust.
The sun shines bright on every face,
In every town, a shared embrace.

From Gaza’s shores to Lebanon’s hills,
No cries of war, no broken wills.
Hamas and Hezbollah gone, replaced
By voices of peace, in love encased.

Muslims, Arabs, Druze, and Jews,
Christians walk with shared good news.
Under one God, all hearts aligned,
With respect, humanity, and kindness combined.

Arab and Jew walk hand in hand,
A peaceful heart in every land.
No hate, no lies, no more disguise—
Just open skies and smiling eyes.

For we are children of the same,
Abraham calls us by our name.
In kindness, hope, humanity,
We build a shared eternity.

#Unity #Peace #MiddleEast #Humanity #Respect #ChildrenOfAbraham #TogetherForPeace #Kindness

Edited extracts from Chapter 4 of The Other Side of The Curtain

Warm and Sunny Tunisia

2024 BHE - Femmes’ TEB Voyage

March 8th 2024, International Women’s Day

Click here to check previous Femmes' TEB Voyages @ BHE Community Projects.

This year, Femmes’ TEB Voyage is celebrating the women and the men from Israel.




Golda Meir was a passionate woman, a dynamic politician, and Israel's Prime Minister from 1969-1974.

She said:

“I rather have blames than condolences” (Golda Meir).
Sadly, since October 7th 2023, Israel has received both, blames and condolences.


October 7, 2023, Men & Women Hostages

Hamas and other terrorists violently murdered some 1200 attendees at a rave party in Israel and people living in the surroundings. They captured and tortured 240 hostages from babies to older people. So far, about 105 hostages have been released. Israeli women were raped and tortured, even proudly filmed bloody by their terrorists. 

But the Me Too Movement and the UN chose to ignore them. 

Danielle Ofek founded a movement MeToo-UNless-UR-a-Jew and denounced Me Too and the UN women: 


Israeli Women Soldiers - IDF

IDF = Israel Defense Forces

An empowering legacy, the evolution and influence of Israeli women in the IDF written by Meital Ginzberg, Lead Teacher, IDF Veteran.

A passionate and powerful document about being a leader and a proud member of the IDF. 
Click Here to View.

Israeli Men Soldiers - IDF

Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Mission Statement:

“We are the Israel Defense Forces. Defense is our mission—security is our goal.”

IDF Values:

*Defense of the State of Israel and its residents  *Patriotism and loyalty to Israel  *Human Dignity  *Statehood.

Sadly, those young soldiers fall daily while defending their country against Hamas terrorists. But not much is said about their deaths (nearly 1000 now). Not even themselves, as they are too busy keeping up their mission. 


Their daily story is available on IDF Website

Israeli Mothers

Israeli mothers may be soldiers or may have been soldiers once, or maybe not. Whether they work or not, they maintain a strong family unity nurturing their children within a proud Israeli culture. Regardless of their races or religions, they know that someday their children will be soldiers in the Israeli army and will always be ready to defend their country.

March 8th is the day celebrating women. 

However, the massacre of October 7th 2023 has precipitated a change for  March 8th 2024. The Israeli men are also celebrated as a symbol of the unity of the Israeli citizens who are not all Jewish and who are not all white. Races and religions fuse peacefully and democratically, while sharing the same determination: Peace in Israel.

Israeli Fathers

Along with Israeli mothers, they are the backbone of their families and of their countries. Since October 7, they have unified their strengths to defend their country not only locally, but also globally. Lies and antisemitism have surged from all over the world as Israel is defending itself and its citizens from terrorists who want their deaths. 

Example of lies: 

- Israel is occupying Gaza. No, Israel left Gaza in 2005 and in 2006 the Palestinians elected Hamas.

- Israel is blocking Gaza. No, Palestinians were coming regularly to work in Israel until October 7. On the other side of Gaza, there is Egypt who persistently blocks Palestinians from coming to Egypt because of their ties to terrorism. 

Some Israeli men decided to defend their country by posting historical and rec
ent true facts. 

France’s Homage to The Hostages of October 7th, 2023.

French President Manual Macron denounced the massacre of October 7th as the “... largest antisemitic massacre of our century.” On February 7th, 2024, France commemorated the victims of October 7th, 2023. The French Republican Guards were carrying the portraits of the victims. One of the most poignant speeches was told by Republican Guard, Jean-Éric:

Since September 2011, Danilette historically explained and warned of

Le grand bluff du nom "Palestine", petit rappel pour les "ignorants de bonne foi"

Meaning : The big bluff of the name Palestine, a little reminder for the “ignorants with good faith”.

This is a review of True History.

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