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BHE Social Health

"Social health is the ability to interact positively with one or more persons, and to function within local and global communities regardless of differences– Signs of social diseases are prejudice and wars, which start with toxins formed at the cellular level"
(Bijaoui, 2010)


The Public Health Model was limited to physical health. However, BHE extended its framework to Mental Wellness and to Social Health.

PH First Prevention Level – No Symptoms

PH Second Prevention Level - At risk and/or symptoms appearing

PH Third Prevention Level - Full-blown symptoms

BHE Community Projects

Femmes’ TEB Voyage - Men Welcome!
TEB = Transition/Explosion/Balance


Femmes’ TEB Voyage is a sub-project of BHE – Social Health @ The Star’s Projects.

Femmes’ TEB voyage offers a platform to share and to learn from each other and from the path we left behind, while visualizing the path in front for personal and collective healing.

Femmes’ TEB Voyage reviews women's personal, historical, literary, artistic, and political journeys for personal and collective evolutions and empowerment.

2024 BHE - Femmes’ TEB Voyage

March 8th 2024, International Women’s Day


 In 2024, the first woman that Femmes’ TEB Voyage celebrates is



BHE Project Justice for Peace

Femme’s TEB Voyage of March 8, 2017

The beginning of The International Women’s Day

~ In 1913, International Women’s Day was established in Russia.
~ In 1917, Russian women rioted:
- for bread & peace
- to oust the tsar
- to end misery
- for spouses to come back from WWI
~ In 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet decreed International Women's Day a non-working day in the USSR.

Femmes’s TEB Voyage March 8, 2019

“The ‘Me Too’ sexual assault awareness movement also means that when a single woman is sexually offended, all women are offended, broadening the scope of health education and of therapy. Offenders may benefit from sex therapy through dream induction.

Exploring offenders’ characters, and starting by evaluating their cultural context and their first relationship to a woman (probably the mother, implying possible family therapy), may provide a path to sexual sublimation transferring inappropriate sexual energy into higher purposes (Freud, 1916, 1917), and especially into non-offending ways (Bijaoui, 2018).

Haar (1973) referred to Freudian’s sexual sublimation as a possibility of evolution for sexual impulses”. Dr. Nadia Judith Bijaoui, principal author of "Can Dream Science Be Used to Elicit Healthy Behaviors?" advocated dream therapy for sex offenders.

Femmes’ TEB Voyage of March 8, 2021

Femmes’ TEB Voyage is remembering three special women who made an impact on our world. Simone Veil, Rosa Parks, and Christine de Pizan contributed to advance women’s roles and rights in a society slowly advancing towards equality among all citizens. International Woman Day, March 8, is surely the day to remember Simone Veil, Rosa Parks, and Christine de Pizan.

Simone Veil (1927-2017)

Simone Veil’s beauty saved her from burning in Auschwitz’s concentration camp. The woman Nazi Officer who was in charge of her group told her: “You are too beautiful to die”, a mercy that Simone Veil succeeded in extending to her mother and to her sister.


This Nazi Officer didn’t know the fascinating path ahead of her protégée who married, gave birth to three sons, and became a lawyer. She graduated from “l'Institut d' Études Politiques de Paris” and became the magistrate in charge of “The Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature”. She was the first woman nominated “Ministre de la Santé” (Head of France health department).


In 1974, she fought the system with tenacity to pass a major law to protect women’s health. The law became effective in 1975. 

In 1979, she was the first woman elected President of the European Parliament. Always, fighting for people’s social rights, her calm power of persuasion and her strength supported her political career that kept on climbing, as well as her numerous honorific titles. 


In 2008, Simone was admitted at “L’ Académie Française” and in 2009 she accepted the highest French recognition: “La Légion d’Honneur” that she had previously refused. She and her husband are buried “au Pantheon”, the place in Paris where famous people who made a difference in other people’s lives are buried.


Women around the world may not be aware that Simone Veil was the first woman who fought for their legal rights and health, and was one of the first women who concretized those rights into laws, affecting women globally.

Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

Rosa Parks is referred to as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement. In 1955, while traveling in a bus, she was arrested because she refused to get up for a white man to sit there. She was already involved with Martin Luther King Jr. for freedom and civil rights.

Her act of courage in that bus called for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a movement that grew all over the United States and triggered the national Civil Rights Movement, with always the support and leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. An active member of the NAACP, an organization that defends the rights of African Americans, Rosa Parks repeatedly fought against racism. 

From Montgomery, Alabama, to Detroit, Michigan, where she lived the last years of her life, she left her marks as a fighter for justice, freedom, and civil rights. 

This March 8, 2021, Rosa Parks would have surely jump out of her tomb if she could. It was the day the trial of the officer who killed George Floyd started. A resident of Minneapolis who happened to be a Caucasian man said on French television: 

"If it was me who had committed the same misdemeanor that George Floyd committed"  (which was paying for cigarettes with a fake bill of $20.00) "I would have only to pay a fine". 

From the attack of Rodney King in Los Angeles, to the crime of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and to others crimes going on, there is still much work for the Civil Rights Movement. Fights that Rosa Parks is probably supervising from where she is... 

Christine de Pizan (1354-1430)

Christine de Pizan was born in Venice, Italy, and died at the Monastery of Poissy, France. Like her father, a medical doctor who extended his knowledge to various scientific branches, she was passionate about studying and learning. 

Upon her husband’s death, she was faced with heavy responsibilities and no financial support. This is when she decided to write for a living. An accomplished writer with years of studies behind her, she became the first woman who got paid for her work as a writer. She even studied to acquire the necessary skills to publish and to sell her books.

Her life experience, from rich to poor, inspired her to write her first book, “La mutation de fortune” where she narrated the difficulties she had endured for 14 years, from legal trials (a woman in a court of men!) to health problems. Finally, her hard work as a writer brought her the money she was entitled to after her husband’s death. 

Her knowledge and talent earned her the protection of famous people. Encouraged by her success, she spread her wings in criticizing the books of famous male writers, while expanding her own writing.

Christine de Pizan is probably the first woman who fought for her own legal rights as a woman in a court of law; and also, the first female writer being paid, making her an early feminist. She argued that if young girls were given the privilege to study like young men did, they would be able to understand all the subtilities of science, of arts, and of life. 

That was the Middle-Age. Christine de Pizan had the privilege to be taught by her father, a liberal and enlightened man whose century didn’t stop him to teach his daughter as if she was a boy.

Rosa Parks

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